How does GPTcsv work?

You start by uploading a .CSV file. Then, you can add "Action Columns" which use AI to analyze, categorize, or generate data. Every Action Column contains a prompt and can reference other columns in the same row.

Action Columns prompts are limited only by your imagination. Choose from predefined prompts, like the survey response evaluator which assigns a "Poor", "OK", or "Good" rating depending on the quality of a user's survey response. Or, you can craft a custom prompt specific to your data.

GPTcsv uses a parallel processing architecture to generate Action Columns in seconds even on large datasets.

Once you're happy with your data, you can analyze it with GPTcsv's familiar spreadsheet tools including sorting, filtering, showing/hiding columns, and pivot tables. Or, you can export the data to Excel and Google Sheets.

We've published a couple of videos of GPTcsv in action:

  1. Using GPTcsv to label user survey responses and prioritize feature requests
  2. Using GPTcsv to generate SEO content
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